As we all know, René Descartes came up with the famous sentence “I think, therefore I am”. He was a strong believer in introspection and would spend a lot of time in his home, thinking about the world. He thought that to truly understand the world and existence, one has to think about and ignore all distractions.
I personally believe you can’t truly understand the world just by thinking about it without observing it. Much like how Fox News thought Sweden was an islamic war zone but when I lived in Sweden, I didn’t encounter any war. I digress.
René Descartes somehow became famous, despite being essentially a hermit. The Queen of Sweden heard about his intellect and wanted to have him as a teacher. Now, René enjoyed a homely life and sleeping late but the Queen of Sweden preferred waking up early. Accepting the prestigious task required René to drastically change his behaviour and he did.
Until the dramatic change made him sick and he died.
Unfortunately for René, the consequences of behavioural change aren’t always positive. I don’t have further parting words.